Hold on!!! Not for driving, but to shoot the cars and bikes while on track. It was a terrific experience to shoot the bikes and cars running at a speed of 150-180 kmph.
I got the all zone entry pass through PSM to enter in to MRF Race held at Irungaatukottai between 30th Jan to 14 Feb (three weekends). I actually went on 13th Feb.
There I met two PSMities and got introduced with them (Ponnams and Aditya). I was pleasantly surprised to know that Ponnams was an ex student and tutor in Ambitions4. We all had very nice time on the side of the tracks. We went around the track areas and shoot at from various angles.

The above picture is my pick of the lot. There was a hump on the road covering a bridge and the bikers whenever pass this place, try to make a wheeling to show cause their ability. And this one was captured at one of the finest moment.
There were many challenges in taking these kinds of photos. First the panning has to be just right. The shutter speed should help in showing the subject clear also indicate the viewers the speed of the bike. In addition to these, the exposure is very critical. Since the backdrop was bright and the road/subject were dark (coupled with speed), it was a challenging one to take. I went for shutter priority mode with one stop over exposure to compensate the BG brightness. The speed chosen was tricky as I wanted to show the speed of the bike a little more – hence I chose 1/80, a lower speed.
All in all, the shot came to my satisfaction after some trials.
Thanks again to PSM.